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A Pause … and a Sharpened Focus

Updated: 2 days ago

My home office early in the morning
My home office early in the morning

As I write this (Spring 2024), I am just finishing a “semi-sabbatical” from my work for the last several months. I have relished this rare spaciousness which has been a time to refresh, replenish and to invite clarity of what I want my work—and my life—to be going forward.

At 64, I am keenly aware of the limited time to fulfill the intrinsic purpose of this human being that I am ever becoming. In that humbling and precious space, I have a heightened clarity and impetus to focus my attention on what matters most to me, and to consciously let go of those things that are outside that focus.

I noticed two strong yearnings that, at first, I thought were pulling me in two different directions:

  • one is an urgency to expand and “shine the light” on my work around conscious leadership and conscious organizations that I have quietly evolved over the last three decades;

  • the other is to give attention to all the other aspects of life that are crying out to be nurtured: my own well-being & vitality, my spouse of 41+ years, my three young adult daughters, my curiosity and thrill of the natural world ...

The “ah-ha” moment for me was to realize that these yearnings are not “opposing” but just different facets of the cry of life within me. And that I can choose them all. I just need to find a new balance of expressing them. I want to listen to this cry of life within me, and respond. I choose to play full out, to live toward a crescendo of being fully alive.

“This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.” ― George Bernard Shaw

At a professional level, that means focusing on what I am most passionate about:

the transformative power of my work around conscious leadership and conscious organizations.

Most of my engagements over the last 25 years have been inside organizations, which has been a rich environment for developing the work. I have facilitated cultural and leader transformation in a variety of organizations, in a variety of industries, from a variety of roles. I carry both the thrilling joy of witnessing the impact of these transformations, as well as the learning “scar tissue” of when some part of an engagement falls short.

While still eager to work inside organizations on a more selective basis, I am now ready to “shine the light” of this work so that it is more broadly and publicly visible and accessible to all. I am aching to spend more time engaging with those who are yearning to go deep within the work, which is where I am energized. And I want to build more experiential bridges that help people see the unseen beauty and potency of the work, to explore how to stimulate each person’s yearning to come alive.

So here are the highlights of what is taking tangible shape right now:

  • An evolution of the Conscious Leader Program that harvests the wisdom and learnings over the last three decades, both in content and in structure.

  • A “public” offering of the Conscious Leader Program that is more accessible through a reduced pricing structure, and a virtual and robust learning structure that includes weekly live, facilitator-led sessions.

  • A totally new website at that is more personal and more aligned with my evolving focus.

Enough about me ... if any of this resonates with you, I invite you to reach out. I would love to hear what stirs in you as you read this ...

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